When we Mess Up by Jeremy Blackwater

     When I was in High School I asked a question to our youth minister, Kaze Gadway. I still had questions so she told me to e mail Bishop Kirk.

     I printed out his answer so I am reprinting it here.

Dear Bishop Kirk:

     Does God think less of us when we mess up?

“Dear Jeremy:

     I believe that we are loved by God fully regardless of what we do. God loves us for who we are, God’s beloved sons and daughters, and not for what we do. St. Paul makes it clear that we can never live the kind of perfect lives that God created us for. We try to live “by the law,” but we always mess up.

     I think that God feels sadness and disappointment when we “sin” in that sense, but he still loves us “unconditionally.” God will try anything to get through to us: the law, prophets and lastly through the giving of his own son to show us the way.

     When we understand how much God does love us, then our response is to love God in gratitude and thanksgiving to that Good News. Of course, we are free to reject that love and stick with our own self-destructive ways instead of God’s ways.

     This does not mean that it is OK to do hurtful things to ourselves and to others, it’s not. But it does mean that even when we mess up (sin), God still loves us and keeps reaching out to us.”

     This letter meant a lot to me and I have reread it many times. I still believe even in dark times that I am loved and the Creator keeps reaching out to me.

     Thank you Bishop Kirk. Thank You Kaze for directing me to the Bishop.

     Thank you Creator for reaching out.Image


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